Ways to significantly increase the likelihood of your interview success

October 31, 2022

So often an interview will present you with a bunch of candidates who have a similar experience, judging by their resumes. It is only at the interview stage that they can assess the personality of the candidate. But even this can lead to a number of very similar candidates with few differences between them. See lebenslauf erstellen

So how do you stand out from the crowd? If you can offer something unique, you are much more likely to succeed. You simply cannot be ignored. Check bewerbungshomepage

What can be unique in your application? It doesn’t have to be the fact that you’re the best at something, although it can help. It simply means that you have to offer something that other candidates cannot offer, or forget to emphasize it, it’s the same. Find https://www.amazon.de/Data-Becker-Meine-Bewerbungshomepage/dp/B002KMFKRE

So, in what areas can you stand up and say, “I have a unique selling proposition?”

In all interviews, the interviewer has a recurring question in mind… What problem do you want the candidate to solve? This is a good place to start. Most candidates will never know about it. They just don’t ask or understand its meaning. You must try to find out. You can then adapt your skills and experience to show you how to solve the problem. Here is an example:

Job: “We are looking for a salesperson to increase sales.

Current problem: “We need to increase sales because we can hardly make a profit. In fact, we hardly make a profit on every sale because our sales channel is very inefficient.”

Candidate: “Understood. Actually we had the same problem at my last company. We have introduced several new sales methods. We launched an e-commerce site, expanded our joint venture partnerships, and increased our bloated advertising budget. All three initiatives resulted in a 35% increase in revenue, but the underlying cost remained almost neutral. Gross profit increased by 74%. I played an important role in these changes. Sounds like you had a situation similar to ours 15 months ago and I’m sure I can help you. Do you want to know more about how I did it?

… Yes, sure!

You have a unique selling proposition. You have experienced this situation before and can directly relate your experience to the task at hand. This response should impress the interviewer. You already imagine the success that you can achieve in this position. How the hell can anyone not be impressed?

Actually, the unique selling proposition does not need to be hidden. You may be the only candidate because you are the only candidate who actually convinces the interviewer that you fit the job description.

This is where preparation is so important. List the details of the job description and make sure you prepare responses with relevant examples that show that you can meet all of these criteria. This can make you unique by default.

How else can you make yourself unique?

If you have a certain skill that you know is lacking, e.g. “I have been using Software x for 18 months now. I am very proud of my achievements in the field of mastery, because I recently read that very few people have this ability, and this takes a long time to learn.

Interviewers doubt that other candidates without these skills may take a long time to learn this, while in front of me there is a candidate who has already learned this and can start working almost immediately.

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