Benefits of an online resume portfolio

September 23, 2022

With a national unemployment rate of nearly 10%, people across the country are looking for work. Employers are hounded every day with resumes in the mail, all from hungry applicants looking for income. These candidates are all highly qualified professionals with bachelor’s degrees, MBAs and even Ph.D. Some applicant resumes will get a second look and possibly a callback, but most will find a home in the trash. See Bewerbungsunterlagen

Such a large and talented field of applicants submitting resumes that look exactly the same, in the same format – it’s easy to get confused! That’s why job seekers need to set themselves apart from the competition now more than ever. That means employing new techniques to grab the attention of potential employers, techniques like creating an online resume or online portfolio. Check lebenslauf vorlage

An online resume or “electronic resume” is an email version of your resume or a small website that allows you to send your resume to potential employers either via email or as a file, attachment or link with just a few clicks . Your potential employer will receive them in seconds in their email inbox, which is much more frequented than a PO box. Find

He or she can review it and reply to you if you’re interested, or at least acknowledge receipt. This means you no longer have to wait 3-5 days for it to be mailed, delivered to the office, sat at the front desk, then sat at HR and finally got to the director of the company who may or may not make it to that Stack of envelopes he’s buried under.

see the difference Electronic resumes get the job done faster and more efficiently!

Although there is no really practical online resume guide, most free resume help sites will tell you that online resumes should contain the same information in the same organizational structure as the traditional medium. The difference is that an e-resume doesn’t spend a week like a coffee coaster.

If you decide to convert your electronic CV into a website, you will have the opportunity to present your personality and, if it depends on your professionalism, examples of your work! Bold colors and even a professional-looking photo of you can give your potential employer an idea of ​​your personality and level of creativity. Just keep the website professional and simple. Use a home page as an introductory page, an “About Us” page like a cover letter, a “Summary” page that contains the same material as your actual resume, and a “Work Samples” page or “Portfolio” to present your presenting work. You can also enter work references there.

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